Panyaden International School offers a Genuine Values-based Education for a Sustainable Planet. Our vision is to provide your child with an education that forms a solid foundation for successful academic study and a peaceful and fulfilling way of life.
Panyaden students are well-known for their passion for learning. Our definition of lifelong learners is appreciated by our students’ positive mental attitude, academic achievements and
an inquisitive inquiry process that inspires them to reach their fullest potential. These attributes are further supported by the team of dedicated professional and caring teachers, which help inspire our students to develop intellectually and creatively with future-ready skills as sustainable and prosperous world citizens.
Panyaden International School, 1, Nam Phrae, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Whole School Fresh Air System, Libraries, Indoor Sports Facilities, Outdoor Sports Facilities, Music and Performance Arts Facilities, Science Center, Rice Field, Archery, Creative Arts Room, Innovation Centre, Indoor Gym, Playgrounds, Swimming Pool.