Americana Chinese International School (ACIS) follows the American Common Core Standards, ensuring a high-quality education for students from Pre-K to G12. All classes are taught in English by certified native English-speaking teachers. Small class sizes guarantee a personalized learning experience and pave the way for individual growth and success.
We go beyond traditional education with our unique STREAM program. Students receive comprehensive instruction in Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, and apply their knowledge to solve real-world challenges.
For those needing extra support in English, our EAL program ensures that every student can thrive and fully participate in the learning experience.
Our dedicated Chinese educators promote language fluency and cultural appreciation through daily Chinese classes. We are an official testing center for HSK and YCT Chinese language proficiency exams.
Students at ACIS experience the richness of Thai language and culture, with 2-5 periods per week dedicated to fostering cross-cultural understanding. ACIS alumni are making their mark on the global stage with the unique advantage of trilingual education.
At ACIS, we place a strong emphasis on the holistic development of both body and mind. We proudly participate in CMAC, an athletic competition for international schools in Chiang Mai. Our students immerse themselves in a variety of sports, gaining valuable experiences in sportsmanship and teamwork.
We cultivate a community service mindset, preparing our students to make a positive impact as highly-skilled professionals on a global scale.
Education at ACIS extends beyond the classroom. We organize various events throughout the year, promoting language, culture, and self-expression. Our students graduate not only academically prepared but culturally enriched."
Americana Chinese International School - ACIS, Tha Sala Sub-district, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai, Thailand