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Superfoods and Super Powers for Kids!

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Getting your little ones to embrace a diet filled with fruits and vegetables, especially those incredible superfoods, can be quite the challenge, can’t it? If you’ve stumbled upon any effective strategies for this, our wonderful Chiang Mai Kids community has numerous eager members who would love to hear your valuable insights!

Over the past decade, I’ve been on quite the culinary journey, experimenting with all sorts of techniques to sneak in more of those vibrant purple and green goodies into my children’s meals. Among the various tactics I’ve tried, the one that seems to have the most widespread approval is the creation of kid-friendly smoothies and refreshing ice lollies. These treats not only make for a speedy on-the-go breakfast for our older ones but also serve as a delightful indulgence for our nieces and nephews on sweltering days. Best of all, they check off all those superfood and 5-a-day requirements with flying colors.

What Exactly Are Super Foods?

Superfoods, in a nutshell, are the unprocessed, unrefined, and unadulterated heroes of the food world. They remain as close to their natural source as possible. While they predominantly come from the plant kingdom, there’s room for some fish and dairy in the superfood hall of fame. These nutritional powerhouses pack a punch, providing our children’s bodies with essential fats, vitamins, minerals, lean protein, and crucial iron and minerals. The term “superfoods” emerged to describe this group of foods that offer a treasure trove of health benefits for our kids. They play a pivotal role in nurturing proper brain function and nurturing robust immune systems, all in the pursuit of a vibrant, health-conscious lifestyle. Blueberries, salmon, kale, and acai are just a few examples of foods that proudly wear the “superfood” badge. However, it’s important to note that there’s no rigid criteria that dictate what makes a food a superfood, as they don’t have their own exclusive food group.

Given that children have distinct dietary requirements compared to adults, we must focus on maximizing their nutrition with kid-friendly superfoods, ideally served in the morning to provide them with the energy they need throughout the day. Here are our top selections to empower your children to become superfood superstars!

When we delve into the realm of some of the most nourishing foods on this planet, it’s undeniable that berries reign supreme. These little powerhouses are teeming with antioxidants that play a pivotal role in enhancing our immunity and preserving our visual health, among a multitude of other remarkable benefits. In the pantheon of superfoods, it’s the blue and black berries that undoubtedly claim the top spots, closely followed by their vibrant red and pink counterparts. These berries all come together beautifully in the realm of smoothies, offering a delicious and health-boosting combination.

Now, procuring berries in bustling Chiang Mai can sometimes present a challenge, often accompanied by a rather hefty price tag. In such cases, it’s wise to explore the frozen options. The good news is that berries retain their superpowers even when they’re frozen, and they’re incredibly convenient to store, ready to be used at a moment’s notice, just like a superhero’s cape falling gracefully into action!

2. Super Fruits

It’s common knowledge that fruits are a cornerstone of a healthy diet; you know the saying, “An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!” However, within the world of fruits, some certainly stand out as nutritional powerhouses. Our A-list of fruits is provided below, along with convenient links to explore their individual health benefits.

Thankfully, the avocado has secured its well-deserved spot on this list and happens to be a beloved superfood in my household. Whether it’s in the form of creamy guacamole, elegantly smashed on toast, or delicately sliced into a refreshing salad, this versatile green fruit (yes, it’s a fruit, indeed) offers an impressive array of nutrients and antioxidants that contribute to the well-being of your eyes, heart, and skin. In fact, it’s not uncommon for my dinner to also make an appearance on my daughter’s face, a playful reminder of the boundless joy this fruit brings to our table.

  3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a fantastic whole grain to introduce to children. Packed with fiber, essential B vitamins, and the remarkable beta-glucans, which play a crucial role in reducing blood cholesterol levels. While a bowl of thick, gooey oatmeal may not be the most visually enticing option for kids, there are plenty of creative ways to serve it. You can enhance its appeal by pairing it with yogurt, milk, and a medley of colorful fruits, or perhaps incorporating it into a tantalizing granola mix. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, uncooked oats can be seamlessly blended into a nutritious smoothie or skillfully baked into wholesome breads and muffins. Personally, I’ve discovered that a generous dollop of fresh yogurt, combined with a delightful assortment of mixed berries, works wonders in making oatmeal both look and taste more enticing for our little ones.

4. Seeds, Nuts & Pulses

Now, let’s talk about seeds and nuts. Yes, they may rank high on the caloric intake scale, a concern that most kids needn’t dwell on. However, these tiny powerhouses are brimming with a concentrated natural source of essential minerals and vitamins. Take, for instance, the heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, which are particularly noteworthy. In our experience, we’ve noticed that children often develop an affinity for flax seeds, especially when they’re cleverly sprinkled, or rather artfully hidden, in their oatmeal or skillfully blended into delectable smoothies. It’s all about making these nutritional gems a part of their daily routine in a way that’s both appealing and beneficial.

  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pine nuts
  • Chia seeds, add to your smoothies!
  • Flax seeds, grind up and hide in your pancakes!
  • Lentils
  • chick peas
  • Baked beans
  • Edamame beans…. any kind of pea or bean does this trick!

5. Jasberry Rice (a Thai favourite!)

Introducing a remarkable new variety of organic rice, Jasberry rice, which boasts nearly three times the antioxidants found in blueberries and an astounding ten times more antioxidants than green tea. This extraordinary grain not only offers a wealth of health benefits but also plays a pivotal role in bolstering our immune system. What sets Jasberry apart is its soft, chewable texture, making it a delightful favorite among children. It’s a versatile addition to our culinary repertoire, perfect for a hearty Asian-style breakfast, whether served as a nourishing porridge or as an accompaniment to a delectable savory stir-fried dish.

6. Nut Butters

When it comes to nutrition, non-processed, raw virgin coconut oil truly stands out. It boasts the highest concentration of lauric acid found in any food, making it a powerhouse of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial fatty acids that play a vital role in fortifying our immune systems, among other remarkable benefits. In the kitchen, you can easily replace other vegetable oils with coconut oil when preparing your morning eggs or pancakes. The beauty of coconut oil lies in its exceptional resistance to oxidation at high temperatures, rendering it a superb choice for high-heat cooking methods such as frying.

8. Spirulina

Now, let’s talk about deep green spirulina, a unique type of algae. While it might not be the easiest superfood to introduce to kids due to its strong, salty taste, there are creative ways to incorporate its benefits. Try adding a small amount of powdered spirulina to a smoothie, blending it with bananas and your choice of milk (cow, coconut, almond, or soy) for a convenient and nutritious breakfast. It can also be subtly mixed into a soup or baked into a loaf of bread. If you’re looking to explore more, you’ll find spirulina noodles or pasta readily available. The effort is indeed worth it, given the wealth of free-radical-fighting antioxidants and iron it brings to the table. For added convenience, keep an eye out for pre-blended juices featuring spirulina in the chilled sections of Chiang Mai’s supermarkets.

9. Dark Chocolate

The revelation about dark chocolate, derived from raw cacao, isn’t a recent one. For centuries, it has been celebrated for its numerous health benefits, primarily due to its rich content of magnesium, lipids, and antioxidants. These elements work in tandem to combat depression and enhance cardiovascular health. Of course, we’re not advocating for indulging in an entire block, but a few squares of dark chocolate daily far outweigh the health costs of a packet of chips or a sugary donut. Experiment with cacao nibs by incorporating them into your smoothies or adding them to your pancake mix and muffin recipes. Remember, when it comes to dark chocolate, the darker, the better, provided you can appreciate the slightly bitter taste.

10. Wild Salmon

Last but certainly not least, we have wild salmon, a true protein powerhouse that’s instrumental in fortifying bones and supplying essential omega-3 fatty acids crucial for overall bone health. Notably, it’s also a fantastic source of vitamin D, which plays a pivotal role in enhancing calcium absorption for stronger, healthier bones in our kids. A sun-soaked salmon salad is a delightful way to offer a double boost of nutrients. A breakfast featuring salmon, eggs, and smashed avocado packs a powerful superfood punch, sustaining our kids right through until lunchtime without the temptation of sugary snacks. One vital tip: evidence suggests that sustainable wild salmon tends to be richer in vitamin D compared to its farmed counterparts, so always opt for the wild options.

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