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Duke of Edinburgh award -Varee Chiangmai International School

Varee Chiangmai

Varee Chiangmai International School is proud to have been awarded International Award Centre status and to be able to provide this incredible, world class award to our students.

What is The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement Award and equips young people for life in over 140 countries and territories across the globe.

The Award is available to all young people aged 14‐24. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements consistently.The Award encourages young people to design their own programme of activities, set their own goals and challenge themselves to achieve their aims.

Since its launch 60 years ago, the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives.Through non formal education,the Award can play a critical role in a young person’s personal development.

What is involved?

The Award is comprised of three levels and four sections. Participants complete all four sections at each level in order to achieve their Award. At Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project.

The three levels to the Award:

Bronze: for those over 14 years. 6 months minimum participation.

Silver: for those over 15 years. 12 months minimum participation

Gold: for those over 16 years. 18 months minimum participation

The four sections of the Award:


Participants volunteer in their communities, make a positive contribution to society and demonstrate social responsibility.

Physical Recreation

Encourages young people to improve their fitness and performance and enjoy healthy lifestyles for good mental and physical well being.


Enables participants to develop their talents, broaden their abilities, increase their self‐confidence and improve their employability.

Adventurous Journey

Young people discover a spirit of adventure and gain a deeper understanding of the environment and the great outdoors.

And at Gold only:

Residential Project

Participants broaden their experience by staying in an unfamiliar environment with other young people,taking part in a worth while project and building new relationships.

Physical Recreation section

This section of the Award aims to improve the health, team skills, self-esteem and con dence in participants through training and perseverance in their chosen activity. This section is based on the belief that a healthy body is a good end in itself and can o en help to develop a healthy mind. Participants may take up a completely new activity, or seek to improve their ability in an activity that they already do.

The specific benefits will obviously depend on the type of Physical Recreation chosen. Some general benefits include developing a healthy lifestyle, increasing self-esteem, experiencing a sense of achievement, encouraging teamwork and enjoyment.

Participants learn by doing in keeping with the Award methodology of experimental learning. By introducing young people to enjoyable physical activity, they will hopefully develop long-term beneficial habits.

Participants learn by doing, in keeping with the Award methodology of experimental learning. The Award cultivates skills such as leadership, teamwork and cooperation as well as communication, which not only appeals to employers but which can also drive job creation and socio-economic empowerment.

About Varee:

Varee Chiangmai International is a modern school, located in the cultural city of Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand.

The school is well equipped with the latest educational resources, led by a team of dedicated educators and fully accredited by the UK-based Education Development Trust and Cambridge International Examinations.

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