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Reconnection to Nature and Leadership for Kids at Able to Regenerate Camps! 

Able to Regenerate CHIANG MAI Camp

Making sure we have clean air to breathe freely… Cultivating a healthy soil where our food can grow… Being able to enjoy and drink clean waters… Those are common current topics that are inspiring so many eco-responsible projects around the world! By involving young people in environmental stewardship, we can foster a sense of responsibility, ownership, and connection to the natural world. Engaging the next generation in environmental conservation is not only a matter of sustainability but also a matter of social justice and intergenerational equity. By empowering young people to take action, we can create a better future for all. 

But how can we engage our kids to truly take care of the planet? For us the answer is FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE PLANET! If you notice, we are just able to authentically engage with an effortless approach into taking care of something, when our hearts feel so committed to that something, it is natural! This is what Able to Regenerate is about, we create experiences that will reconnect children to nature, to elemental wisdom and to their emotional awareness. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of connection to nature for children’s development, what makes an experience unforgettable for children, what is important to know about a nature/project-based approach, and why Elemental Summer Camps are a must-try experience for children.

Able to Regenerate CHIANG MAI Camp

Why Camps are Amazing Opportunities for Reconnection.

Summer camps are a staple of childhood, offering a chance to explore new environments, meet new friends, and create unforgettable memories. For many children, summer camps are the highlight of their year, and for good reason. Summer camps usually also expands children`s comfort zone, where there is the possibility of a wider view, meeting new senses and new people, generating more brain connections and offering the opportunity for them to learn with different approaches. This creates the chance to reconnect deeply with nature and presence, going out of the daily routine they can maybe identify new parts of themselves. Able’s Elemental Summer Camps take this experience to the next level, providing children with an immersive, nature-based program that fosters connection, creativity, and personal growth, creating the beautiful and magical container where children can explore their emotions and these “new” connections.  

Nature and Children’s Development

Exposure to nature and outdoor experiences can have a profound impact on a child’s development. Children who spend time in nature develop better motor skills, improved cognitive abilities, and greater resilience. Time spent in nature can also help children develop empathy, emotional intelligence, and a sense of responsibility for the world around them. For children, connection to nature is a foundational experience that can help shape their future relationships with themselves, others, and the world. Usually time spent in nature brings children to presence and create the most unforgettable experiences for them! It creates a deeper sense of connection that often involves a sense of wonder, excitement, and discovery. The most memorable experiences are those that engage all of our senses, tap into our emotions, and challenge us to grow in new ways. For children, unforgettable experiences can be as simple as discovering a new plant or animal species, building a fort in the woods…

Forest School

Able to Regenerate Camps

Nature/project-based approaches are centered on the idea that children learn best through hands-on, experiential learning. This type of approach prioritizes exploration, experimentation, and creative problem-solving over traditional classroom-style instruction. In a nature/project-based approach, children are encouraged to work collaboratively, take risks, and learn from their mistakes. This type of learning is particularly effective for children who struggle in traditional classroom settings or who have a preference for kinesthetic learning.

Able to Regenerate offer Summer Camps with nature-based education program that combines project-based learning with the principles of permaculture, sustainability, and regenerative design. Our approach is centered on the belief that children thrive when they have access to natural environments and are given opportunities to engage in meaningful, hands-on learning experiences. Our programs are designed to foster connection, creativity, and personal growth by providing children with opportunities to explore, experiment, and create in a supportive, nature-based setting. Our Elemental Summer Camps are a series of week-long, nature-based programs that take place in a variety of natural settings. Each camp is designed to provide children with a unique, immersive experience that fosters connection, creativity, and personal growth. Our camps are staffed by experienced educators who are passionate about nature-based learning and are committed to creating a safe, supportive environment for children to explore, learn, and grow.

Elemental Summer Camps 2024

Able to Regenerate Co. LTD. – Elemental Summer Camp at Koh Phanga

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