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Schools Out For Summer!

Children running outdoors

Turn off the alarms, there’s no rush to make sure school uniforms are washed, and no more running off to extracurriculars and other appointments. The sense of relief is palpable! Kids and parents alike are eager to create a summer full of adventures. Or does the long school summer holiday create a sense of anxiety – how am I going to entertain my kids for an entire summer?

And it’s usually followed by the phrase: “I love my kids, but…” Let me put your mind at rest here, you are not alone.

We’ve put together our ultimate guide to help keep the kids entertained, maintain routines, and provide the scoop on summer camps. It’s a comprehensive guide full of the very best activities and summer camps for kids.

Top 10 Things To Do With Kids In Chiang Mai

Top 10 Things To Do With Kids In Chiang Mai

New for 2024 FREE Activities & Camps Guide

Activities & Camps guide 2024 cover

Tips for Maintaining Routines During the School Holidays

Little girl washing her hands in the bathroom sink

How to Keep Kids Entertained on a Long Haul Flight

Boy sitting in plane looking out the window

How to Survive a Family Road Trip

Road trip. woman holding her hat out of a car window

Summer Holidays & Social Media

Selfie with kids and parents

Best Summer Camps in Chiang Mai

At What Age are Kids Ready for Summer Camps

Half term camps for kids

Why Summer Camps are Such Great Fun for Kids

Prepare Your Child for Summer Camp

Group of kids at a camp

Essential Summer Camp Packing Tips

Girl sitting on large suitcase with sunglasses on

Keeping Skills Sharp Over the Summer Holidays

Young girl reading a book in a library - Literacy skills reading

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